Rep Erik Mortensen has drafted a bill that will make Ivermectin available to you by becoming an over-the-counter drug. It's safe, cheap to make and appears to be effective at treating early symptoms of COVID. But the medical bureaucracy and media is doing everything they can to keep it out of your hands.
In fact, if you can find a doctor to prescribe Ivermectin to you, pharmacies across Minnesota won't fill those prescriptions. The corporate media continues to spread misinformation about the drug that has been administered to humans over a billion times.
Here's popular podcast host Joe Rogan confronting CNN's Chief Medical officer about their lie that he took "horse dewormer" medicine.
Mortensen's bill comes from language written by Citizens Council for Health Freedom, a pro-liberty group on the frontlines of health freedom in Minnesota. Here's the draft language:
We need this legislation to pass when the legislature reconvenes on January 31st of 2022. You can learn more about Rep Erik Mortensen by visiting
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