Munson & Bahr Introduce Bill to Give Back All of $4 Billion Surplus

Rep Jeremy Munson (R-Lake Crystal) introduced the Give It Back Act (HF4270), a bill that would take the nearly $4 Billion budget surplus ($1.5B budgetary balance + $2.4B reserve account) and give it all back to taxpaying Minnesotans by October. Taxpayers in the state would receive a $1,000 refund check for single filers or $2,000 for joint filers. Joining Munson on the bill are several other Republican lawmakers including Rep Cal Bahr (R-East Bethel).

“Last year, the Minnesota legislature fully funded our state government for two years” stated Jeremy Munson. “So we have no need to spend a dime of the surplus on more government. That’s why we want the taxpayers to get that money back as soon as possible.” Munson added “Democrats want to spend the money on more wasteful projects. We want families to have the money back so they can spend it on things important to them. Let’s not forget, it’s their money in the first place.”

The New House Republican Caucus is unique in the Legislature because they are the only group calling for the budget reserves to go back to the people. “The government is taking money out of the private sector and holding onto it in cash for some rainy day” said Jeremy Munson. “In other words, there’s $2.4 Billion not in our economy, waiting for a day to be spent on more government. That’s wrong. All Republicans should be united on giving that back.”

Action 4 Liberty supports the Give It Back Act. There is no reason a Republican in the legislature should oppose giving back every penny of the $4 Billion budget surplus. 


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  • Travis Dotseth
    commented 2020-03-17 16:49:05 -0500
    It should be given back in the same proportion it was paid in.
  • Marcy Linder
    commented 2020-03-13 14:37:30 -0500
    Yes, Give it back.
  • Harry Aultman
    commented 2020-03-09 19:50:02 -0500
    I like the way you think
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2020-03-09 14:17:04 -0500