Never Again Bill Gains Momentum, Koran Introduces in Senate

Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill, known officially as the Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act, just gained momentum by getting introduced in the Minnesota Senate today. SF 2356, authored by Sen Mark Koran, is the Senate version of the Never Again Bill.

If passed into law, the bill would change the Emergency Powers laws in the state so Governor Walz and future governors can't take unilateral control over law-making and shut down businesses, churches and lock citizens in their homes. The bill also would create penalties for the Governor or government agents who do not adhere to the law. And the rights of Minnesotans are further spelled out in a Citizens' Bill or Rights for Emergencies which prohibits government from not allowing an individual to earn income or run a business.

This bill has wide appeal. Gubernatorial candidate Mike Murphy signed the Never Again pledge which states his highest priority is passing it if elected to office. Although candidate Scott Jensen won't sign the pledge, he did call on the Legislature to not pass a budget until the Never Again bill is signed into law. 

All eyes are on Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka now. As he starts meeting with Walz and Democrat leaders behind closed doors to negotiate a $52 Billion budget, it's on him to stand firmly against spending one dime of our money until the Never Again bill passes. If Walz wants his government funded, it's time he loses his unilateral powers to declare an emergency!

Contact your state senator and demand he or she signs on as a co-author!


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  • J Bird
    commented 2021-04-07 07:31:55 -0500
    This bill has wide appeal?? Never heard of it outside of this site…
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-04-06 14:23:13 -0500