Six Democrat legislators betrayed their voters recently by voting to protect Governor Walz' Emergency Powers. They all voted the opposite way during the election year, but turns out they put partisan politics ahead of their voters when the vote really mattered. The most vulnerable of the six, Rep Julie Sandstede, barely won her election last November by 30 votes. So Action 4 Liberty is taking our message directly to her voters.
We rented a home and hired a team of operators to go knock on every door in Sandstede's district. Unfortunately, global warming hasn't quite kicked in yet, and our team will be deploying today, facing temperatures this week of -20. And like all good Minnesotans know, what really matters is the windchill, which will bring temps down to -40 or worse.
But that won't stop our team. In fact, they look forward to the challenge. They're on the way up north right now with extra clothing and a month supply of hand warmers. Ending Walz' Emergency Powers is too important of an issue to let Minnesota's winter weather get in the way. Voters need to hear how politician Julie Sandstede is voting in St Paul. Our team will do the hard work!
(Photo: thousands of lit pieces for the week)
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