Republican Julie Rosen Bill: No Chocolate Milk in Happy Meals

Republican Senator Julie Rosen and several metro Democrats authored a bill that tells restaurants to make the default beverage in children's meals water, sparkling water or white milk. SF 2797 specifies that the beverage can't be more than 130 calories and regulates the advertising for the children's meal only uses imagery of the government approved beverages. 

The Senate bill's chief author is liberal Democrat Senator Karla Bigham (DFL-Cottage Grove). Joining on the bill is Sen Dan Spark (DFL-Austin), Sen Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids) and Rosen. The House bill, which was introduced in February, is authored only be Democrats. It's currently sitting in the Agriculture and Food Finance and Policy Division Committee.

Here's the language:

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  • Greg Micka
    commented 2020-03-11 09:40:56 -0500
    Complete waste of time! They may NOT be getting the necessary calorie count altogether. So stop wasting time on frivolity and touchy-farley legislation. Get back being a working people, instead of a dumb ‘government leeches’.
  • Debbra Beckman
    commented 2020-03-10 21:06:48 -0500
    Shut it! It is the parents power and decision. The government has no place raising children. Another regime has already proven this doesn’t work.
  • Ryan Kingsley
    commented 2020-03-10 13:10:50 -0500
    Please stop wasting my money on these types of wasteful spending. We don’t need govt overreaching into our private lives like this.
  • DonnaLee Neisen-Frome Beaupre
    commented 2020-03-10 12:35:20 -0500