Republicans and Democrats Pass Walz' Shutdown Bailout Bill

On Monday, the Republican controlled Senate and Democrat House both passed the Governor Walz' Shutdown Bailout bill (SF31). The bill uses taxpayer money to give small businesses impacted by the illegal shutdown temporary relief, which won't make up for the complete loss of revenues due to Walz' orders. It also expands unemployment benefits for workers affected by the shutdown, making more Minnesotans dependent on government paychecks instead of ones from their actual jobs. 

Only four senators voted against the bill in the Senate: Bruce Anderson, Jeff Howe, Scott Jensen & Andrew Mathews. The House vote had more opposition:

Before voting for the bailout bill, the Minnesota Senate passed the End Walz' Emergency Powers Resolution with six Democrats voting with them: Bakk, Even, Hoffman, Simonson, Sparks & Tomassoni.

The Minnesota House passed the massive Walz' Shutdown Bailout bill first, then Republicans had to force a vote on the End Walz' Emergency Powers Resolution. It failed on a 62-63 vote. Rep Rob Ecklund, one of our targets, finally flipped his vote.


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  • mark debraal
    commented 2020-12-17 15:39:57 -0600
    3 republicans didn’t vote and the resolution to repeal emergency powers failed by 1 vote. Layman,Hamilton and McDonald need to be primaried!
  • gene hodel
    commented 2020-12-15 10:10:35 -0600
    Yes government officials like to give away other peoples money, instead of fixing the core problem which is stopping Walz’s Emergency Powers Resolution. Don’t forget how much damage that Walz and most of the Dems did to our state when you vote next November in 2022.