Patriots in Otter Tail County have woken up conservatives across our state to the corrupt tactics the Establishment will use to silence their opponents. From the crooked 2022 SD9 Endorsing Convention to banning 33 delegates in 2023 to David Hann (unilaterally at first) and the State Executive Committee demanding Otter Tail do not hold a BPOU Convention this year which disenfranchises hundreds of conservatives. Otter Tail delegates have been through the ringer and they are sick of being run over.
When the MNGOP Exec. Cmte. took action on this matter, it was because RNC Committeeman Alex Plechash brought the issue to the Committee. Plechash made strong statements at the start, claiming that he was going to fight for Otter Tail delegates to be validated and allow their BPOU to conduct their business. The Exec. Cmte. voted to form a task force to determine how to handle the situation. The members of this group were kept secret by David Hann and regardless of the outpour of support for grassroots Republicans in Otter Tail, the Establishment had their minds made up.
According to Truth Hurts News, only 5 members of the 15 member committee voted against the motion to uphold David Hann’s decision to strip Otter Tail delegates of their duly elected roles. Those 5 included Alec Beck, Mark Bishofsky, Jenna Dicks, Joe Ditto, and Wendy Phillips. Alex Plechash voted with David Hann to screw Otter Tail delegates out of their elected duties and many delegates felt like they were stabbed in the back. Plechash later stated on an episode of The Truth Hurts that he made a mistake.
This retraction appears to be too little, too late for the State Central delegates because Plechash was removed from office and replaced with AK Kamara during Thursday’s convention. Sources say AK won nearly 60% of the vote. AK is a longtime GOP activist who has put in many years of work into the Minnesota Young Republicans. In conversation with this article’s author, AK stated that he voted in favor of a resolution that supported the Otter Tail delegates at the CD8 convention. The weight of these delegates now rests on AK’s shoulders, if he fights to restore them to their duly elected roles, he will be regarded as a hero by many.
AK Kamara has thrust himself into a dynamic position in tumultuous political times. The RNC has long been an organization that grassroots conservatives feel detached from. Out of touch leadership has kept We The People divided and against each other rather than united against the radical left. Now is the time for the grassroots to unite against the broken, big government, globalist agenda!
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