Rochester Mayor Norton Issues New Emergency Mask Mandate

Rochester Mayor, Kim Norton, signed an citywide Emergency Declaration yesterday that requires citizens to mask up at Rochester businesses and other indoor public spaces "when children are present". Her unilateral declaration expires in three days, so an extension would require approval by the City Council. The Council is scheduled to have an "emergency" meeting on Thursday to determine if they should extend.

The Post Bulletin states that 78.1% of the population in Olmsted County is "fully vaccinated", which is a higher percentage than the state average in Minnesota. At the same time, the state government and hospitals and businesses are starting to mandate vaccines. If the vaccines were effective, why declare an emergency mask order in one of the highest vaccinated populations? 

Action 4 Liberty opposes government mask mandates and believe the choice of wearing a mask should be left to the individual. We encourage people in Rochester to contact City Council.

City Council contact info:

Brooke Carlson, City Council President


Office Phone: 507-328-2983

Pronouns: she/her/hers (that's what is listed on the website)


Patrick Keane, City Council Member, 1st Ward

Email: [email protected] 

Cell Phone: 507-259-2870


Mark Bransford, City Council Member, 2nd Ward

Email: [email protected] 

Cell Phone: 507-254-4430


Nick Campion, City Council Member, 3rd Ward

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 507-722-0078

Pronouns: he/him/his (just so you know)


Kelly Rae Kirkpatrick, City Council Member, 4th Ward

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 507-271-1081


Shaun C. Palmer, City Council Member, 5th Ward

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 507-254-9484


Molly Dennis, City Council Member, 6th Ward


Phone: 507-269-2916 

Pronouns: she/her/hers (not they)

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-08-18 09:34:05 -0500