Stop Vaccine Mandates


Forcing people to get vaccines is WRONG! Government and private businesses have no right to infringe on your health freedom. This is such an important right, that we can't get it wrong. Which is why we DEMAND that the Minnesota Senate, the Minnesota House and Governor Walz immediately pass legislation protecting Minnesotans from mandated vaccination by government agencies and private businesses.

To Governor Walz and legislators:

Whereas, one person does not have the legal authority to remove the rights of Minnesotans protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights;

Whereas, Governor Walz' mandated vaccination of state government workers is an illegal order that infringes on the rights of employees;

Whereas, the private sector also must protect the personal health freedom of individuals, both employees and customers, and;

Whereas, government and private businesses segmenting the population by vaccination status creates a defacto second class citizen;

THEREFORE be it resolved, We The People of Minnesota demand the Legislature and Governor Walz protect health freedom by immediately passing legislation that STOPS forced vaccinations and vaccine passports;

Be it further resolved, that we demand a recorded vote on all motions and bills pertaining to restrictions of forced vaccinations or vaccine passports to provide transparency 

Who's signing

Ramona Lehn
Tamara Nimmo
Kayla Northrop
Arlan Rausch
Aaron Dwyer
Emily Sigfrid
June Montgomery
Tom KraMer
Steven Prom
Kyle White
Deb White
LeeAnn Burt
Brianna Palm
Jenee Dehn
John Weiss
Todd Ueland
Christina Zielinski
Michele Riffe
Brenda Kronenberg
Glen Tipton
Baron Totman
Nicole Wente
Kate Goebel
Mitchell Simonson
Greg Perrin
Emily Alvestad
Bob Urlie
Kellie Thompson
Greg Peterson

Will you sign?

  • Ramona Lehn
    signed 2021-08-16 12:47:03 -0500
  • Tamara Nimmo
    signed 2021-08-16 12:26:56 -0500
  • Kayla Northrop
    signed 2021-08-16 12:23:06 -0500
  • Arlan Rausch
    signed 2021-08-16 12:04:05 -0500
  • Aaron Dwyer
    signed 2021-08-16 11:55:55 -0500
  • Emily Sigfrid
    signed 2021-08-16 11:55:04 -0500
  • June Montgomery
    signed 2021-08-16 11:43:05 -0500
    My body my right to not take the Jab
  • Tom KraMer
    signed 2021-08-16 11:38:36 -0500
  • Steven Prom
    signed 2021-08-16 11:24:32 -0500
  • Kyle White
    signed 2021-08-16 11:13:55 -0500
  • Deb White
    signed 2021-08-16 11:11:46 -0500
  • LeeAnn Burt
    signed 2021-08-16 11:11:15 -0500
  • Brianna Palm
    signed 2021-08-16 11:01:57 -0500
  • Jenee Dehn
    signed 2021-08-16 10:56:46 -0500
  • John Weiss
    signed 2021-08-16 10:52:01 -0500
  • Todd Ueland
    signed 2021-08-16 10:45:55 -0500
  • Christina Zielinski
    signed 2021-08-16 10:36:48 -0500
  • Michele Riffe
    signed 2021-08-16 09:59:30 -0500
    Get rid of Walz and pass a NEVER AGAIN BILL
  • Brenda Kronenberg
    signed via 2021-08-16 09:44:11 -0500
  • Glen Tipton
    signed 2021-08-16 09:40:51 -0500
  • Baron Totman
    signed 2021-08-16 08:52:35 -0500
  • Connie Maros-Wirtz
    followed this page 2021-08-16 08:51:06 -0500
  • Nicole Wente
    signed 2021-08-16 08:49:16 -0500
  • Kate Goebel
    signed 2021-08-16 08:39:28 -0500
  • Mitchell Simonson
    signed 2021-08-16 08:34:22 -0500
  • Greg Perrin
    signed 2021-08-16 08:21:56 -0500
  • Emily Alvestad
    signed 2021-08-16 07:24:01 -0500
  • Bob Urlie
    signed 2021-08-16 07:19:06 -0500
  • Kellie Thompson
    signed 2021-08-16 07:18:55 -0500
  • Greg Peterson
    signed 2021-08-16 07:07:20 -0500