The Birth of Vaccine Passports: Biden Says "Get Vaccinated or Wear Mask"

Joe Biden just tweeted what appears to be the birth of a vaccine passport program. The CDC revealed that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask. So Biden went on Twitter stating an ultimatum: get vaccinated or continue wearing masks. But how will this be enforced?

If there's any muscle behind the no-mask policy, it would require validation of our vaccinations. States like Minnesota still have a mask mandate in place via Governor Walz' unilateral executive order. And since the Minnesota legislature is on the cusp of adjourning, there's little standing in the way of Governor Walz implementing a vaccine passport program to comply with Biden's suggestion. 

That's why it's critically important that Republican Senators refuse to cut a deal with Walz and pass his budget without passing the Never Again Bill. It's the only way to completely strip Walz of his power and ensure a vaccine passport program is not implemented in Minnesota.

Contact your state senator and tell him or her to not pass a budget until the Never Again Bill is signed into law!


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  • John Krhin
    followed this page 2021-05-16 08:21:09 -0500
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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-05-13 17:35:04 -0500