United Nations Anti-Racism Team Descends Upon Minneapolis

The United Nations sent an “Anti-Racism Coalition” team to North Minneapolis on Tuesday to investigate cases of racism and bias in the state. The city was picked for the U.N’s research because it was ground zero for the George Floyd riots in 2020.

The goal of this research is to create new recommendations for how to handle the perceived issues of racism worldwide. Knowing the globalists who run the United Nations, this report will likely recommend far-left legislation that advances reparations for slavery.

Photo: CBS News

Courtney Ross, George Floyd's girlfriend, was present at the event to give testimony. She told CBS News that she hopes the United Nations "can press the United States to make big changes."

Racism is not a systemic issue, nor can it be solved by any kind of government handout. We do not the United Nations to lecture us about racism. Americans deserve to be governed by Americans, not foreign entities looking to instate a global governing authority. This includes every organization from the United Nations to the World Economic Forum. 

Minnesotans must reject these forces who look to usurp American values. Whatever the United Nations report concludes, legislators in our state need not pay any attention to it. 

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  • Daniel Schmidt
    commented 2023-05-04 12:40:23 -0500
    So…the UN went to the part of Minneapolis with the highest percent of black on black crime?? Typical bass-ackwards,leftist clownery…..
  • Anonymous
    followed this page 2023-05-03 20:33:52 -0500
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-05-03 16:32:45 -0500