I often hear people talk about the need to heal (or unite) the Republican Party. That sounds great, but how is this possible? The Republican Party can only unite if we have the same agenda, the same goal, and the same vision, if not we will always be divided. Division (di-vision) is the result of having two-visions, which is where the Party is at. Below are the two separate and distinct visions that currently exists in the Republican Party.
This faction of the Party is actually conservative, and their goal is to conserve the founding principles of limited government and Godly morals. They fight for lower taxes, fewer regulations, individual liberties, personal responsibility, traditional family values, and the sanctity of life. They also want to restore honesty and integrity in government and re-establish free and fair elections.
This faction of the Party claims to be conservative, and they espouse the same values and principles, however they don’t fight for these things. The donor class bankrolls and controls the politicians, and the politicians fight to pass legislation that will benefit their donors. They’re not interested in restoring honesty and integrity in government because they themselves are corrupt. They deny that elections are stolen because they themselves are involved in stealing elections. This group would rather have a Democrat in office than a conservative Republican that threatens to expose the corruption and end the gravy train that they’ve been accustomed to. This faction of the Republican Party is more inline with their colleagues across aisle than they are with conservative grassroot Republicans; thus, the acronym R.I.N.O. Republican In Name Only is not merely an insulting slur, but it’s an accurate description of who these people are. You will know them by their fruit, not by who they claim to be!
This 2nd group, the establishment class, has an agenda that is antithetical to that of the grassroots conservatives, which makes it impossible to unify the two factions. The Establishment are much fewer in number, however many of them are in leadership. Therefore, the only solution is for the grassroots to remove the existing leaders and replace them with individuals who actually have a conservative vision for our state and our country.
Amos 3:3 Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?
The first one to go must be Chair David Hann who has divided our Party, disenfranchised grassroots Republicans, and silenced conservatives in Ottertail County and throughout the state of MN. He has repeatedly acted outside the Constitution of the State Party and the rules and regulations that govern the Party. There is a long train of abuse and usurpations that Hann has engaged in. It has been absolute despotism with him at the helm of the Party. It is the duty of the Mn State Central delegates to throw off such tyrannical governance and select a new leader. It is abundantly clear that Hann has no interest in seeing truth, justice, or transparency prevail. The history of his leadership is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, you have reigned with absolute Tyranny over the delegates. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to Republicans across MN:
It is the Party (not you) who retains the complete and total right and control of which entities it recognizes as the official political subdivision of the Republican Party of Minnesota. You "David Hann" are not "The Party", and you are not the final arbiter. The State delegates, whom you silenced at the most recent State convention, are the highest authority in the Party. Had you, and the tyrants who ran the State Convention, allowed the delegates to vote they would have chosen the 2024 OTC delegates as the legitimate subdivision. You handpicked the chair and the parliamentary to run roughshod over the delegates at the State Convention.
It is the responsibility of the MNGOP Chair to make sure the people across the State of Minnesota, who embrace the platform of the Republican Party, have a voice in the direction of the Party, and in the choosing of candidates for endorsement. Chair Hann has become destructive of these ends. It is time for him to be removed as chair of the Republican Party of MN.
Hann has worked alongside the Leadership of the Otter Tail County BPOU.
In 2022 he turned a blind eye to the fact that the OTC leadership added several unelected delegates and alternates after caucus night to empower themselves, and to procure the endorsement for their chosen candidate. He helped the OTC BPOU cover up their nefarious actions. In the process you have disenfranchised hundreds of Republican supporters in OTC.
In 2023 he helped the OTC Leadership unlawfully suspend several duly elected delegates and alternates. He worked with the local BPOU to once again disenfranchise grassroot Republicans by preventing them from participating in the annual BPOU Convention.
In 2024 he worked with the OTC Executive Committee in planning and strategizing a covert operation to make sure the 2024 OTC Caucus would not be accepted. Both he and the OTC leadership knew the establishment would be severely outnumbered, which is why an elaborate scheme was planned to sabotage the Caucus proceedings in order to maintain power.
"In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Chair of the Republican Party."
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