Vaccinated Man Brings Omicron Variant to Minnesota

Don your biohazard suit and hide away in your basement for the holidays, because the Omicron variant is in Minnesota. Governor Walz' Dept of Health confirmed today that a vaccinated man tested positive for the new variant the media is hyping up in their new scare campaign. That individual had mild symptoms, which at this point, seems to be commonplace amongst the people with the variant. But trust the media, you should probably still be scared!

The Minnesota Dept of Health stated in a press release this morning, "the person with the Omicron variant is an adult male, is a resident of Hennepin County, and had been vaccinated. The person developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22 and sought COVID-19 testing on Nov. 24."

A statement from Governor Walz read, “this news is concerning, but it is not a surprise. We know that this virus is highly infectious and moves quickly throughout the world. Minnesotans know what to do to keep each other safe now — get the vaccine, get tested, wear a mask indoors, and get a booster. Together, we can fight this virus and help keep Minnesotans safe.”

Sure Walz, get vaccinated to stop the spread of the Omicron variant. That makes a lot of sense considering 100% of the confirmed Omicron cases in Minnesota is amongst the vaccinated. By the way, the vaccine didn't stop Walz' Lt Governor running mate from getting COVID last month. 

If the power hungry political class led by Tim Walz try using this new variant to shut down our state again, Action 4 Liberty will spring to action to cause political pain for all politicians who enable it. Let's continue living in a free country!

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-12-02 11:28:36 -0600