Walz Holds Legislature Hostage on Emergency Powers

In an unprecedented move, Governor Tim Walz sent a letter to the Minnesota Legislature listing a number of demands on action that would need to be met before he would consider relinquishing his emergency powers - essentially holding the legislature hostage in exercising their law making powers. Walz has abused his power as Governor and has acted unilaterally in crafting COVID related policies that have shutdown small businesses and put citizens in lockdown. Although highly illegal and contrary to the Constitution, Minnesota courts, which are full of political appointees, have protected him in the past 9 months.

Amongst the demands on the legislature, which would include the Republican controlled Senate, are:

  • Mask mandate in public indoor spaces and businesses.
  • Continue the moratorium on evictions, so property owners continue to shoulder the burden of non-paying tenants
  • Flexibility for school districts to choose their learning models at the local level, with appropriate safety precautions.
  • Rules that ensure businesses continue following dictates of the MN Dept of Health 
  • Protections for workers from unsafe conditions, as well as protection against any retaliation from raising concerns about workplace safety.
  • Changes to the state's unemployment insurance program so more people without jobs can receive timely support. 
  • Protections for Minnesotans against price gouging on essential goods and services and garnishment of COVID-19 relief payments


Action 4 Liberty strongly opposes the Legislature following Walz' demands. Now, more than ever, it's time for legislators to do the right thing and End Walz' Emergency Powers once and for all. 

Here's the letter:


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  • John Tykwinski
    commented 2021-01-09 12:00:26 -0600
    Walz needs to pull his head out and look outside his bubble to see how is his destroying MN. .. he has no clue and covid is just an excuse for him to be a dictator .. just saying from the rock and cows 🤨
  • Shannon Gream
    commented 2021-01-08 09:30:14 -0600
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-01-07 20:41:25 -0600