In almost all aspects of politics, corrupt elitist liars usually face no repercussions for their lies. Politics is one of the only games where you are rewarded and promoted for deception or control. While accountability is not typical in government, we may finally get some transparency of MAJOR fraud and abuse overseen by Tyrant Tim Walz.
Minnesotans have become aware of the massive scandal surrounding MN organization ‘Feeding our Future’ which we have previously reported on. More than $250M was distributed from federal nutrition program funding to hundreds of facilities. However, the money never found its way to buying food. Instead, Exec. Director Aimee Bock and others allegedly spent the money on luxury vehicles, jewelry, vacation trips, and properties in MN, OH, KY, Turkey, and Kenya.
This fraud was seemingly committed by the organizers by using fake names of children they were feeding, sometimes using online name generators. They had many document reporting issues that made it clear that wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy, and/or bribery was taking place.
During this time, Tyrant Tim Walz was forking over millions of dollars to this organization as Governor! While good Americans suffered due to lockdowns, mandates, and a disease perpetrated by China, Walz fought to give your money to groups like this.
Now, the U.S. House Education Committee has subpoenaed Walz over this fraud! See documents below:
House Education Committee Chair Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C. 5th District) issued the subpoena for Walz long with others for MN Commissioner of Education Willie Jett, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Agriculture Inspector General Phyllis Fong. Each of which are in relation to the MN Dept. of Education’s administration of the Federal Child Nutrition Program fraudulent grants to ‘Feeding our Future’.
The ‘Feeding our Fraud’ scandal is a massive stain on Walz’ record as Governor and proof positive that honest/transparent government is the opposite of what he strives for.
The corruption of Walz is reaching the surface across our nation. Action 4 Liberty has been the only consistent fighter for freedom in our state and we will continue our path towards restoring Minnesotans’ God-given Rights. While the Democrats cover up fraud and the RINOs don’t have the backbone to call it out, we will continue to be the leading voice against corruption in our state!
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FacebookOf course, there is an issue as to whether the programs were even constitutional, but that doesn’t excuse either the fraud or the failure to prevent it.
See Representative Finstad’s note on the issue at