Democrat Governor Tim Walz wants the taxpayers of Minnesota to go further into debt to pay for government subsidized housing. In one of his most radical ideas to date, the Governor proposed a massive $2 Billion bonding (debt) bill that spends $276 Million on affordable housing.
Why is the state government involved in housing in the first place? Well, according to Walz' Housing Commissioner Jennifer Ho, "we believe the role of government is to produce housing where the private market won’t do it on its own." What's even more egregious about this proposal, however, is that Ho and Walz are asking for taxpayers to pay for this on the state credit card over the next decade.
In a way, Walz wants Minnesota taxpayers to take out a mortgage for someone else's home.
So far, Senate Republicans have signaled that Walz' bonding proposal is too big. But after the legislators in both parties embarked on a recent statewide debt tour, it's likely Senate Republicans will come out with a billion dollar proposal of their own. Which means, Minnesota taxpayers will likely get stuck with a massive debt bill somewhere in between.
Action 4 Liberty believes that its not the proper role of government to subsidize housing, especially when its financed on the government credit card. Republicans in St Paul should oppose debt, not propose it. Walz and Democrats' master goal is to grow government at the mercy of the taxpayer. This is what Republicans need to fight tooth and nail against.
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