Why You Should Caucus Tonight

Yeah, yeah. We get it. Asking you to attend a precinct caucus on a Tuesday night in February might be the nerdiest thing we can ask of you. But politics is won by the people who show up. And I can guarantee that if you don't show up, the Swamp and their enablers will.

By Minnesota state law, all major parties have a precinct caucus tonight at 7pm. Anyone can attend and meet other like minded people in the area. Caucuses are meant to be the lowest form of organizing inside the political party structure. That's why they'll ask the people in the precinct who wants to be a precinct chair, secretary, etc. 

But we're not focused on those do-nothing positions.

Instead, we're focused on you becoming a delegate. Delegates are the individuals who get to vote to endorse the candidates for the Minnesota House and Senate. It's an incredibly powerful position that must remain with grassroots conservatives, not the Swamp dwellers.

All you have to do to become a delegate is sign your name on the sheet tonight. Most likely there will not be enough people interested in running as a delegate, so you'll be successful. 

Tired of legislators funding the child care scam? Want your surplus to be given back to taxpayers? Then show up to caucus tonight!

WHEN: Tonight, Feb 25th at 7 pm

WHERE: Caucusfinder.com



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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2020-02-25 08:36:04 -0600