32-Year RINO Rep Defeated, Loses Republican Endorsement

Republicans in Senate District 26 held their endorsing convention on Saturday, choosing to endorse candidates for house districts 26A and 26B. In a surprise move, 16-term (32 years!) Representative Greg Davids lost the Republican Endorsement for Reelection.

His challenger was longtime party activist, Gary Steuart. With the Republican Endorsement, he now has access to party data and funds. This is a safe Republican district, so the real election could occur in a primary should Davids continue his campaign.

Greg refused to provide a straight answer when asked if he’d abide by the endorsement but he closed his concession speech saying “see you in August” indicating he doesn’t plan to honor the delegate's endorsement.

In 2022, Davids was the Republican Endorsed candidate. When he was challenged in a primary, he told his challenger - Laura Thorson - that it was "improper" to challenge an endorsed candidate. Now that he lost the endorsement, he seems to be conducting "improper" behavior.

According to the Action 4 Liberty scorecard, Greg Davids has a lifetime liberty score of 49% – a failing grade! It seems clear that the people of 26B demanded a more conservative representative.

Only time will tell if Steuart is a better legislator. One thing is certain, though – new blood is needed at the Capitol! After 32 years in St. Paul, it’s clear that Davids stayed past his welcome.

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-04-21 12:53:30 -0500