There is no such thing as a free lunch… Apparently Minnesota Democrats and RINOs don’t know that!
Today, the MN Senate took up HF5 which gives “free” breakfast and lunch to all students in public schools regardless of if you can afford it or not! If this proposal was designed to expand the free lunch programs, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as this legislation! Taxpayer funded lunches means that they are not “free”, they are paid for with our stolen Surplus!
This is the type of “feel good” spending bill that bankrupts our state and robs us of our overtaxed Surplus dollars. It is not the responsibility of taxpayers to pay for breakfast and lunch of any student that is not their own, especially when their parents can afford it.
The fiscal note for this bill shows over $800 Million will be spent over the next four years! This is wasteful spending that causes a major dent in our Surplus! See the fiscal note below:
This bill first passed the House on party lines. The vote was 70-58 with six absent GOP Representatives; That includes Patti Anderson (HD33A), Matt Bliss (HD2B), Kurt Daudt (HD27B), Dawn Gillman (HD17A), Dean Urdahl (HD16A), and Nolan West (HD32A). See vote below:
After receiving ZERO Republican support on the House Floor, it was not a wise choice for GOP Senators to support this waste of money. However, four RINOs supported this bill today in the Senate. Senators Jim Abeler (SD35), Julia Coleman (SD48), Zach Duckworth (SD57), and Karin Housley (SD33) all supported this socialist bill. Additionally, Senators Jeff Howe (SD13), Nathan Wesenberg (SD10), and Torrey Westrom (SD12) were absent. See floor vote below:
Not a single cent of the Surplus should be spent! Republicans in the Senate need to grow a spine otherwise we will never see our tax dollars returned! Socialism in all forms must be confronted and defeated, we cannot tolerate fake conservatives throwing away our money!
Contact your Senator and pressure them to oppose any future spending or bonding bill until:
- The Surplus is fully returned to taxpayers
- Social Security Tax is eliminated
- No gun control legislation for this session
It is up to Patriots like you to pressure our politicians because if we do not fight, Minnesota will be past the point of no return!
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