AG Ellison: Clarence Thomas Illegetimate, Needs to be Impeached

Minnesota’s top legal official, Attorney General Keith Ellison, is traveling the country promoting a new book. In a recent interview with the Michigan Chronical, Ellison unloads on conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, including calling for his impeachment.

Ellison focused most of his attacks on “ethical” concerns with Thomas. Particularly, Thomas’s relationship with GOP donor Harlan Crow. Many respectable Judges and legal scholars have called these concerns baseless.

He told news anchor Andre Ash that "Harlan Crow basically controls Clarence Thomas." He later says that "He's abdicating his responsibility, he has abdicated it a long time ago. When he got in office he was this way, he's this way now. Maybe he is worse now. So, Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached. Clarence Thomas is illegitimate and has no basis in the job that he is in."

And of course, Ellison has no public opinions about the corruption from Justice Sotomayor. The DailyWire reported that she accepted $3 million from Penguin Random House Publishers, but did not recuse herself in a major case where she voted to rule in favor of the publisher. Clarence Thomas, on the other hand, has not ruled in cases involving his friends or associates.

This all comes down to Thomas’ status as a stalwart conservative Justice on the court. That is the real reason that Ellison believes he is “illegitimate” and should be impeached. 

It should also be noted the Attorney General does not care about ethics in the slightest. In 2018, his ex-girlfriend made concerning domestic abuse allegations against him. Is it an impeachable offense? Probably not, and neither was Ellison’s behavior.

Do not let politicians like Ellison tell you what is moral or right. They only do so to achieve their desired political outcome.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-07-17 12:55:47 -0500