The Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association (MPPOA) and Executive Director Brian Peters has consistently supported and endorsed RINOs, radical Democrats, establishment talking points, and legislation that takes away our freedom. Now they are pushing for radical leftist gun control.
It is a shame that the largest representation for the hardworking police officers of our state is the crony, establishment leadership of the MPPOA. The MPPOA has worked hard to silence grassroots opposition to the swamp by pouring money into candidates and policies that attack the Constitution.
The MPPOA has released a statement that states their support for radical leftist Rep. Dave Pinto’s (Dem-64B) bill HF14 that additionally has the other gun-grabbing Representatives as authors. This bill would restrict gun rights by requiring background checks into all private transfers of pistols and semi-automatic rifles. This includes sales or gifts between family members, friends, and everything else imaginable.
In the MPPOA’s statement, they even used liberal talking points like calling semi-automatic rifles “weapons of war” and "keeping our residents and law enforcement officers safe from the threat of gun violence" despite this bill targeting law-abiding patriots instead of criminals. See below:
Law enforcement officers in our state deserve better representation. The MPPOA should be focused on crime and criminals instead of law abiding citizens. Gun laws never restrict criminals because they will break the law regardless. Penalizing gun owners and involving the government in private transactions is the type of Orwellian tyranny we need to fight.
Meanwhile Roseau, Wadena, Clearwater, and Marshall Counties have all become 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties! Most recently, Itasca County Commissioners voted unanimously to do the same with support of their Sheriff Joe Dasovich. This sanctuary status allows the County Sheriff’s Department to refuse to enforce unconstitutional gun laws passed by our tyrannical Legislature and Governor.
The MPPOA's gun control support comes on the heels of them also supporting drivers licenses for illegals! Minnesotans vehemently opposed allowing illegals to have licenses that don't even identify their lack of citizenship! See their support for the green hair radical leftist Aisha Gomez' (Dem-62B) bill HF4 below:
Many may remember the MPPOA’s endorsement of RINO Paul Gazelka for his humiliating Governor campaign. After Gazelka got crushed at the State Convention with last place, the MPPOA endorsed radical leftist Angie Craig for Minnesota's 2nd US Congressional District over conservative Tyler Kistner! You can see the full endorsement list of 2022 here and the Angie Craig endorsement below:
Contact your Legislator and tell them to oppose any and all gun control. Once gun rights are lost, they are lost forever! We cannot allow vulnerable Democrats or RINOs take our gun rights! Pressure your County Commissioners to pass a Resolution deeming your county a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary, it may be our last line of defense!
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