Corruption or Stupidity? MN Dems cause $352M Fraud with Tax Bill

Since the Legislature adjourned, a big sigh of relief came across Minnesotans because we knew that they could pass no more bills this year designed to destroy our state. The latest session was the ultimate sign of what complete Democrat control can do to a great state. Nearly every piece of legislation was a slap in the face to Minnesota citizens and now the tax bill is adding insult to injury.

The “One Minnesota Budget” clearly shows us that there are two Minnesotas, one for the average citizen trying to make ends meet and one for the ruling elitists who want to strip us of every dollar we have. The Democrat's tax bill has a massive “error” that will result in Minnesotans losing out on around $1,000 in tax deductions and having a tax increase of $210 each! The fake mainstream media and Democrats have been quick to play cover and suggest that this was just an error. However, it is difficult to take anything they have to say at face value after they stole nearly every penny of our Surplus!

Hidden inside of this bill is a provision that reverts our tax deductions to 2019 levels. As the bill worked its way through the corrupt Conference Committee process, the standard deduction rates were not matched with inflationary adjustments. Especially since our country has fallen into the lap of Dementia Joe Biden, inflation has been out of control and has drastically changed the value of the dollar. This tax increase and removal of deductions are expected to hit 93% of Minnesotans.

Despite Minnesotans’ pockets running thin, the government is always looking for more money. No budget or spending will ever be enough for crony politicians so there is reason to question if this was truly a mistake. Former fake moderate Democrat Representative, Paul Marquart, who now heads the MN Revenue Department, said “A lot of eyes looked at it, including mine, and it just wasn’t caught.” 

Further blame belongs to the Democrat leaders for the Tax conference committee, Rep. Aisha Gomez (D-62A) and Sen. Ann "Put Me to" Rest (D-SD43). Despite the responsibility being on all committee members (and members of the Legislature generally) the ultimate guilty parties are Rest and Gomez for pushing a bad bill that they didn’t even read! 

Career politician Ann Rest even said that the Democrats seems “to have an insatiable appetite for raising taxes”! Rest will be holding “Saturday Listening Sessions” on July 29th and August 19th at 11AM. More details to come. Perhaps some constituents will want to raise this important issue and ask her if this was corruption or stupidity.

This problem can be fixed by the Legislature when they start the 2024 session but will the Dems want to? As mentioned, they will happily strip you of your last dollar and not think twice. They can label this incident as a mistake all they want, however, pressure must be mounted until this is fixed.

Minnesota is going down the drain and taxpayers are getting screwed over. We must be vigilant and unafraid to challenge the powers that be. The Establishment in our state will nickel and dime us until Patriots stand up and fight. It is up to common citizens like you and I to save our state because the Swamp won’t drain itself!

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  • Anonymous
    followed this page 2023-07-14 10:10:10 -0500
  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-07-14 07:46:24 -0500
    I do not think the DFLer’s could even run a curb side lemonade stand. I still think the new state song should be change to “California Here I come”.
  • Robert Jahn
    followed this page 2023-07-12 21:54:28 -0500
  • Monica Hron
    followed this page 2023-07-12 19:17:55 -0500
  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2023-07-10 14:05:02 -0500