The liberal Star Tribune published an article over the weekend covering an anti-free speech bill written by Radical Democrat Liz Bolden. The bill, as noted by the Star Tribune, would target groups like Action 4 Liberty's free speech. In fact, the article mentioned Action 4 Liberty by name and referenced our infamous 2021 door knocking operations targeting vulnerable Democrats on a vote to End Governor Walz' Emergency Powers.
The Start Tribune writes:
"In 2021, the DFL Party submitted a complaint about the group Action 4 Liberty, which created mailers criticizing Democrats in swing districts for not voting to end Gov. Tim Walz's emergency powers during the pandemic."
In the spring of 2021, we fought off an erroneous campaign finance board complaint against us by the Democrat Party in Minnesota. They alleged we were illegally conducting electioneering and not reporting it to the Campaign Finance Board. The case was eventually dismissed, but it was ridiculous they even looked into such an erroneous complaint when in 2021 there was no election and no filed candidates for office. Plus, our door knocking literature didn't tell people to vote for or against a person.
According to the Star Tribune article, "Democrats want to require disclosure of all ads and mailings that could only be interpreted as intending to influence voters." However, the Minnesota State Constitution recognizes the right to free speech in Article 1, Section 3 when stating "all persons may freely speak, write and publish their sentiments on all subjects."
The Campaign Finance Board, a group of Walz appointed partisan hacks, will be the final arbiters of what constitutes a violation of the law if the Democrat bill passes. This government agency is actually using taxpayer money to lobby the legislature for the changes. And their recommendation would give them extremely vague language to find a violation when it comes to what is known as "expressed advocacy."
Thousands of Minnesotans give to Action 4 Liberty because they want an organization representing their voice for liberty. Many of our supporters have busy lives, families and work that limit their ability to make a daily impact in politics. Their support for our group allows them to focus on their private lives, while their message still gets to audiences of voters across the state.
Government DOES NOT have a right to regulate speech conducted against elected politicians. This is a fundamental right!
Let's be honest - our political operations are highly effective. Which is why the Democrats are targeting us and why the Star Tribune wrote about it in their article. Distributing political literature amongst the electorate to advocate for liberty is a practice that's as old as the founding of our country. Shame on the radical Democrats for trying to trample on this important activity and our rights to free speech!
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