Far-Left Governor Gavin Newsom Accidentally Admits Gun Control Is Unconstitutional

Far-left Democrats have long pushed for overreaching and unconstitutional gun control legislation. Frustrated with the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom is proposing a constitutional amendment that would effectively repeal the right to keep and bear arms.

Newsom’s 28th amendment petition has many hoops to jump through before becoming a reality. This would need to be approved by 2/3rds of both houses of Congress and then be ratified by 3/4ths of state legislatures.

If passed, his amendment would:

  • Raise the age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21.
  • Mandate extreme universal background checks.
  • Institute unreasonably long waiting times on firearm purchases.
  • BAN supposed “assault” weapons.


Last Friday, Newsom was particularly fired up about his proposal after a Federal Judge struck down his state’s unconstitutional “high-capacity magazine” ban. In a statement via X (formerly Twitter), the leftist Governor stated that “Our gun safety laws will continue to be thrown out by NRA-owned federal judges until we pass a Constitutional Amendment to protect our kids and end the gun violence epidemic in America.”

Little did Newsom realize that he is reaffirming the liberty argument on guns. Gun control is unconstitutional and has no place being implemented by state or federal authorities.

Both Newsom and the Democrat machine know that their efforts spit in the face of the United States Constitution. Unfortunately, they do not care. 

Even if Newsom passed his longshot amendment to the United States Constitution, no government can restrict a God-given right. This includes the right to self-defense and self-determination.


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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-09-27 13:49:11 -0500