Democrat Omnibus Bill Harbors Extreme Gun Control

Democrats in the Minnesota House are likely to push through their Public Safety Omnibus Bill, which harbors extreme gun control measures. Our team has covered some of these provisions in past articles.

HF 2890, introduced by Representative Kelly Moller, has some extreme gun control measures tucked into the bill. These include:

  • Giving Sheriffs the ability to deny gun permits
  • Universal background checks for all gun transfers
  • Red Flag Laws
  • “Large-capacity” magazine bans


Omnibus bills are intentionally long and difficult to read. Use this article as a guide to understanding how the left is trying to take away your Second Amendment rights.

May Issue Rule

Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 2022, section 624.7131, subdivision 4, will be amended to allow your local sheriff to deny you a permit to carry. If you live in the seven-county metro, you better believe that some of these liberal sheriffs will be denying a lot of permits.


Universal Background Checks

As you may know, background checks on gun purchases are already done through the FBI. This provision in Section 13 would add another level of background checks done at the state level. Worse yet, all gun transfers need to be recorded and approved by the state. This includes lending your firearm to a friend or family member. 


Red Flag Law

A left-wing dream, Democrats are placing “extreme risk protection orders” into state law. In Section 19, a Judge would be allowed to order the confiscation of firearms before due process can take place. Got a crazy ex or a disgruntled associate? They can call into the police and say that you are a threat, which would allow them to come and take your firearms almost immediately.


Prohibition of Large-Capacity Magazines

Section 14 prohibits the manufacture, import, or transfer of a rifle with a magazine over ten rounds. A handgun is limited to less than fifteen rounds. 


If you cherish your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, you’ll want to demand that legislators reject this legislation. Funnily enough, this extreme gun language is absent in the Senate version of this proposal.

Do not be fooled. 

Though vulnerable Senate Democrats may not vote on gun control in their version of the Public Safety Omnibus Bill, it will almost certainly be negotiated into the final language after both bodies usher it through the legislature.

Democrats have a six-seat majority in the Minnesota House. In the Senate, there is only a one-seat Democrat majority. 

That’s why you must contact vulnerable Democrat legislators NOW. Let them know that you know the truth about their tactics and that it won’t let them off the hook come the next election. 

Judy Seeberger (SD 41)



Rob Kupec (SD 4)



Grant Hauschild (SD 3)



Aric Putnam (SD 14)


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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-06 11:58:18 -0500