Democrat Tax Increases Are Brutal On Working Class

Now that all of the Democrat's omnibus bills have been pushed through the legislature, voters get to know exactly how much politicians are raising their taxes. To nobody's surprise, Democrats have really outdone themselves this year. New taxes and fees will bring the state BILLIONS in new revenue. Here's a list of the Democrat's new policies passed in both the tax and transportation omnibus bills.

Rebate Checks

The budget surplus is about $21 Billion. This means that each taxpayer is owed up to $8,000 (if divided equally). Democrat's final agreement on how much they will give back of OUR money is an insulting $260 per tax filer, and $260 for dependent children up to 3 total dependents. So the most a family in Minnesota will see of their money is $1,300. The total rebate program accounts for $1.1 Billion or a mere 5% of the total money that they overtaxed us by. The rest will go to funding all the Democrat's radical agenda and paybacks to their Special Interests.

Household Delivery Tax

The delivery tax is now a reality. Minnesota Democrats will successfully charge you 50 cents per Amazon package. This will hit the poorest Minnesotans the hardest, who need every dime they can get. Remember, Democrats say they only want to tax "the wealthy." What a LIE!

Metro Sales Tax Increase

Democrats successfully passed their metro sales tax increase, which will tag on another .75% to the already high sales taxes of the 7 county metro area. Current tax rates range from 7.125% to 8.025%. 

This bill also allows many cities to increase their local sales taxes, which vary across the metro.

Gas Tax Increase

The gas tax, currently 28.5 cents/gallon, will now be tied to inflation. Experts estimate that this will add an additional 5 cents per gallon by 2027, though the official price will be put at the discretion of Walz’ Commissioner of Transportation. Senator Judy Seeberger, a swing-district Democrat, voted for this increase despite making explicit promises not to in 2022. 

Tab Fee Increase

In the past, the fee for license tab renewal has been $10 + 1.25% of the vehicle's value. Now, that fee will be increased to $10 + 1.915% for vehicle's purchased before November 2020, and 1.95% for vehicle's purchased afterwards. With skyrocketing vehicle prices, you'd better bet that this yearly fee will be expensive. As the pattern proves, this will also hit lower-income Minnesotans hard.

Social Security Tax Stays for Many

There will be a total tax elimination of social security income for Minnesotans who have a Federal Adjusted Gross Income of $100k or lower. Tax filers between $100k and $140k will have a reduction in taxes. And those above, will still pay taxes. Way to stick up for our seniors!

Again, this is another broken campaign promise by swing-district democrats like Judy Seeberger and Aric Putnam.

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    followed this page 2023-06-02 12:17:02 -0500
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