Democrats Add Extreme Gun Control into Public Safety Omnibus Bill

Minnesota Democrats have finally reconciled the differences between the House and Senate versions of the Public Safety Omnibus Bills. While the House version of the bill included Universal Background Checks for firearms and Red Flag Laws, the Senate version did not. It appears that the Democrats have agreed to keep the gun control provisions in the new version they want to become law.

As we reported, Democrats already snuck pro-pedophilia language into this same bill. It should not be surprising to see extreme gun control also added.

The Public Safety Omnibus bill (SF 2909) will return to both chambers for a final vote. We already know that the House is likely to pass as is because the bill is almost the same as the one they passed in late April. The Senate, however, is more interesting to follow.

Democrats maintain a narrow one-seat majority in the upper chamber. This includes many rural democrats who may have a harder time justifying extreme gun control measures to their constituents. Grant Hauschild (D-SD 3) has already announced he will be supporting these crazy measures, which puts all eyes on Senators Kupec (D-SD 4) and Seeberger (D-SD 41).

If either of these senators votes against the Public Safety Omnibus bill (with extreme gun control included), the bill is dead. This is the only chance Minnesotans have left to stop Universal Background Checks and Red Flag Laws. Please, contact their offices and demand a resounding “no” vote.

Judy Seeberger (SD 41)


[email protected]

Rob Kupec (SD 4)


[email protected]

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