Late Monday night, Republicans and Democrats got together in the Minnesota House to usher through the most recent debt bill (aka, a “bonding bill”) for the 2023-24 legislative session. HF 669 puts a gargantuan $1.5 Billion on the state’s credit card.
There is a lot in this bill designed to garner the support of both Democrats and Republicans. Among the worst of the provisions are:
- $8.4 million for community tree planting grants
- $10 million for new trail construction
- $8 million for a new “Mississippi River Learning Center”
- $72 million for public housing
- $180 Million to Failing State Universities
- $132 Million to University of Minnesota and its woke administration
Don’t forget that the bonding bill is the one area where Republicans have leverage to legislate in 2023. While Democrats narrowly carry control of the House, the Senate, and the Governor’s mansion – Bonding Bills require a 60% vote share in both chambers – something that Democrats do not have.
Despite this, a number of Republicans voted for this bill in the House anyway. The legislation passed with a vote of 91-43. Luckily, Republicans in the Senate seem to be willing to put up a fight.
Democrats only have a one-vote majority in the Senate. If all the Republicans stand together, they can stall this bill until they get a wish list of legislative priorities. If they are smart, they can demand:
- No new gun control laws
- A full return of the budget surplus
- A COMPLETE repeal of the tax on social security (no tinkering!)
Here's who voted for the debt bill:
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