Democrats Creating ‘Bias Registry’ for Wrongthink

No, this is not 1984. It’s worse; Democrat-controlled 2023. 

Minnesota Democrats successfully snuck a provision into the Minnesota Public Safety Omnibus bill (HF2890/SF2909) that would create their bias reporting system that was debated earlier this year. Action 4 Liberty first called this out in January.

This provision empowers the Commissioner of Human Rights to collect data on “bias reports” throughout the state, and assemble it into a database that is available to law enforcement. Instances of bias include “perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity,gender expression, age, national origin, or disability.”

Representative Vang, the author of this provision, was asked on Wednesday night if the author of an article on the origins of COVID-19 would be put into this database. Here was her response:

"It can be considered a bias incident."

It’s becoming clear that this is not about “bias,” but really about questioning the mainstream narrative. The second that you disagree with the mainstream media narrative, you get put on a watch list.

Do not be surprised when Democrats seek to escalate this further and try to segregate those with perceived “bias” from society. They almost got away with it with the vaccine mandates during the pandemic. Do not think for a second that they will not try again. 

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-27 12:32:13 -0500