These politicians in St Paul are drunk with power! They won't stop infringing on our liberties and messing with our lives until we all willfully comply with their authority. Well, I'm not on board. How about you?
A group of legislators introduced a bill in the Minnesota House that would make Governor Walz' mask mandate into permanent law. It would require you and me to wear a face covering anytime we are in a public building or business and it would fine us for noncompliance. Business owners who don't comply - well, they face up to 90 days of jail time.
Sound familiar? This bill just mirrors what Governor Walz decreed already last summer. But unlike his illegal, unconstitutional and unilateral dictate, this would codify things into law.
It's becoming more clear by the day what these politicians really want - more power over us.
We're watching legislators on both sides of the aisle right now waste time in a committee tasked to draft a Fake End Walz' Power bill. They're even lecturing us on how we can appropriately petition our government.
Last Friday, Julie Sandstede and Dave Lislegard, two of the six Democrat targets, accused you and me of being "right wing, wack jobs" who are "intimidating them". Even RINO lobbyist legislator Kurt Daudt joined with them in throwing you and me under the bus by stating how Republicans in St Paul do not condone you and me knocking on legislators' doors.
What are they talking about?
The State Capitol is closed to the public right now. We can't even meet with our legislators there!
Meanwhile, legislators are meeting remotely, using their homes to conduct business. Are they saying we no longer can petition our government for a redress of grievances?
Of course, it's a one way street. These same crony politicians show up to our doors every election year, begging for our vote so they can get re-elected. But they don't want us knocking their doors demanding they vote better?
As they raise the stakes and do more to encroach on our lives, we have two options. Do what most pitiful Republican groups in this state do and just give up. Democrats are used to a bunch of quitters as opposition. There's a reason they keep getting away with things.
We up the ante. And that's exactly what we are doing at Action 4 Liberty. We are going to make these politicians' lives miserable, because quite frankly, that's what Governor Walz' Emergency Powers are doing to us and our beloved business owners.
Starting this weekend, Action 4 Liberty is moving up north into Reps Julie Sandstede and Dave Lislegard's districts. We are deploying a full time team of doorknockers and activists who will talk to every voter and find every supporter who shares our view to End Walz' Emergency Powers for good.
Our team will stand on street corners holding signs. They'll organize protests and build a larger activist footprint in their districts. And they'll meet with business owners impacted by Walz' orders and engage them in this fight.
We already rented a home and hired more operators so we can double down our efforts. If these crony politicians think things were rough in January, they have a whole new thing coming their way.
Sandstede and Lislegard are showing their true colors! When Rep Erik Mortensen brought forward the motion to End Walz' Emergency Powers, they sided with fringe, metro Democrats to protect their Governor. Their votes last year to End Walz' Emergency Powers were nothing more than a con. Our team will make sure their voters know about it.
Did you know that Julie Sandstede only won her election by 30 votes? And Donald Trump beat Sleepy Joe Biden by 5 points in Dave Lislegard's district last November. Voting to protect Governor Walz WILL cost them their seats! We'll make sure of that.
What makes Action 4 Liberty different than most other groups in this state is that we refuse to quit - we owe it to you and all our supporters to find a way to win. We can't allow our system of government to be hijacked by these politicians any longer.
I know it seems hopeless at times. Democrats are surging nationally - emboldened by Joe Biden's victory. And their buddies in Big Tech and the media are doing their best to steer the people's attention away from their extreme, anti-liberty COVID response and towards the surge at the U.S. Capitol.
This isn't the first time we had a road block. When we started this battle back in April of last year, we only had 15 Republicans on board in the House for the first vote. So we put pressure on House Republicans to get on board. By the end of the month, we had all 59 of them.
In May, we couldn't get the Republican Senate to even bring up the Resolution for a vote. So we increased the pressure on Senate leadership, and by June we had them passing the End Walz' Emergency Powers Resolution.
Causing pain for politicians works. And we know the best places to put the pressure. I hope we can count on you to help us out.
By moving Action 4 Liberty up north, we will be making their lives miserable because they will hear from voters, business owners, neighbors and friends around the clock. Our team will identify swing voters and recruit candidates and activists to run campaigns. We'll stand on street corners and hold up signs. How would you like to see activists with signs that say:
Julie Sandstede Betrayed YOU!
The Democrat establishment is growing more worried by the day that Action 4 Liberty and, the hundreds of thousands of people who support us, are not backing down. We are forcing their most vulnerable members to go down with the sinking ship of Walz' popularity in Greater Minnesota.
Help us continue fighting through these obstacles so we can End Walz' Emergency Powers once and for all. Let's make sure bills like this Mask Mandate have no chance of passing. And let's return our system of government back to its constitutional roots!
Can I count on you to help us make things more painful for these politicians. Please help us with a donation of $100. If that's too steep, $50 or $25 can go along way to holding them accountable. Want to help even more, consider a one time donation of $500. We need you on board!
In Liberty,
Jake Duesenberg
President, Action 4 Liberty
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