The radical Democrats in our state have led the most immoral, big government, and anti-freedom agenda in the history of Minnesota. Tim Walz and Democratic Legislators have proven to be tyrants as they continue to waste our overtaxed Surplus dollars. We have always demanded a total refund of the Surplus to taxpayers who paid into it.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are pushing new taxes that target common people like you and I. HF580 is a bill that has been added to the Transportation Omnibus Bill (HF2887) which passed the House Ways and Means Committee yesterday.
In this new tax bill, there will be a $0.75 tax on all deliveries for taxable items in the metro area for both businesses and individuals. While inflation, high prices, and insane taxes are killing Minnesotans, our politicians are looking to strip us of every dollar that we have. Think about the Amazon and other online stores that you purchase goods from. This is going to effect the bottom line for a lot of Minnesotans. See the language of this below:
Additionally, this bill pushes a 0.75% increase for sales taxes in the metro to fund their failed transit projects. This is a terrible measure that destroys both businesses and consumers. This is the government inflating prices to put more money in their pockets to help out their special interest and lobbyists buddies. See the sales tax section below:
This bill also increases the tab fees for vehicles and increases the sales tax to purchase vehicles. They of course allow for exemptions for government vehicles while forcing regular people to pay much higher taxes. This is the type of socialist, big government taxation that must be avoided at all costs. See section below:
This is an Unconstitutional bill that violates Article IV, Section 17 of the MN Constitution because this bills are meant to be single subject, not multi subject. See below:
Contact your Legislators and tell them to oppose HF2887 because it does nothing but waste our Surplus and increase our taxes! If we do not fight this radical agenda, it will run us right over! It is up to Patriots like you to save our state!
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