Democrats Vote to Give Tax Dollars to Pedophiles

During today’s Senate floor session, the omnibus legacy finance bill (HF1999) was up for debate. Legacy finance bills are a crony way for politicians to waste our Surplus and tax dollars for projects run by their special interests and lobbyists. This bill spends hundreds of millions of our overtaxed dollars on various pet projects in our state.

During the debate, Senator Eric Lucero proposed the following Amendment to the bill:

In essence, this Amendment would prevent our taxes from going to organizations that will use the funds for activities relating to the occult, Satanism, pedophilia, and other demonic practices. Senator Nathan Wesenberg (SD10) noted that the drag queen performances for children in Minnesota are child abuse and said no tax dollars should go to projects or groups that support it.

This would seem to be a pretty simple idea that everyone could agree to, but the radical Left refused to accept language that would prevent pedophiles from using our tax dollars for evil acts! It shows how out of step Democrats are with reality! See the vote on this Amendment below:

In a surprising turn of events, Democrats accepted two Amendments that slightly improved this disaster of a bill. Senator Karla Nelson introduced an Amendment that would prohibit taxpayer funding of projects in which eminent domain was used. Notably, Democrats John Hoffman (SD34), Matt Klein (SD53), and Rob Kupec (SD4) supported the Amendment.  See the vote below:

An Amendment was also offered by Senator Justin Eichorn (SD6) which would prevent any tax dollars from being appropriated to projects that promote domestic terrorism or criminal activities. While Senators Grant Hauschild (SD3), Sandra Pappas (SD65), and Judy Seeberger (SD41) voted in favor of the Amendment (perhaps out of pressure), the vast majority of Democrats supported terrorists getting tax dollars! See vote below:

Interestingly, Senator Omar Fateh voted against this Amendment and previously suggested that white, patriotic Americans that look like the GOP Senators are the real domestic terrorists in our country!

The Left hates everything our country and people stand for. They want to redefine us in their own, satanic image. We must fight this radical agenda at every end or our state will be lost forever. It is up to Patriots like you and I to save Minnesota from tyranny, corruption, and propaganda. This bill will now go back to the State House to be re-voted on. Contact your State Representative and DEMAND that they vote AGAINST the Omnibus Legacy Finance Bill!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2023-04-17 16:24:37 -0500