Lisa Demuth gives away Gavel & Power to Tyrant Steve Simon; GOP Caves to Bogus Supreme Court

House Republicans sit with a 67-66 Majority and have held the position that 67 members constitutes a quorum until now. They utilized their 67 members to form a quorum on the opening day (and following days) of session to swear in members, elect nonpartisan staff, and conduct business. Following the bogus MN Supreme Court ruling (with no formal writ) that a quorum of the House is 68 members despite the House only having 133 election certificates on file, House Republicans have completely given up power and conceded the all important quorum fight, which could lead to the GOP losing their Majority in the House.

Article 4, Section 13 of the MN Constitution defines a quorum as a majority of each house. While 68 members would typically constitute a quorum due to there normally being 134 elected Reps, there are only 133 election certificates on file (as admitted by radical left SOS Steve Simon). However, the Court is controlled entirely by Democrat appointed judges that are somehow getting Republicans to do a total 180 on the quorum question.

Republicans argued in front of the MN Supreme Court that the issue of quorum should be decided by the House, not the courts, as required by separations of powers. It is clear that the court overstepped its bounds by interfering with GOP control and enabling no-show Democrats. If the GOP truly believed this, they would not submit to an informal writ that they claimed had no jurisdiction.

During today's floor session, Steve Simon presided over the House for a session that lasted around six minutes where he claimed a quorum was not present and then the video feed ended. Lisa Demuth gave up control of the House and gave it to the Executive Branch after the Judiciary Branch interfered in their business without jurisdiction. A live House video showed that the House met today at 3:30PM. Patriot Rep. Drew Roach was the only legislator to vocally oppose Steve Simon during the session as he spoke up right after Simon falsely called the session adjourned. While the audio and video were taken off the screen by "nonpartisan" staff, Roach stated that Simon should not be the presiding officer, that he was violating separation of powers, and that the session was a sham! Apparently Roach's strong words upset some of the RINOs who saw he was not going along with the plan, including bitter Walter Hudson who is seemingly more upset with Roach than he is with Tyrant Steve Simon! Rep. Harry Niska also brought forward a motion compelling attendance of members to the desk but did not fight to have it debated. It will likely be used for litigation against Simon.

As seen in our previous reporting, several Republican Reps had already acquiesced to the court’s tyrannical ruling publicly. Establishment Rep. Walter Hudson accepted the new quorum and has begun begging Democrats to show up to the Capitol while attacking A4L rather than forging forward and rejecting Democrat judicial interference. RINO Peggy Bennett took it a step further by saying Republicans will “sit around and twiddle our thumbs”.

If the “Twiddle Our Thumbs” Caucus controls the narrative, grassroots conservatives will only blame Democrats for this Constitutional Crisis, and NOT caving RINOs who pretend they have no power despite having Majority Control of the House!

Lisa "Kamala" Demuth has failed as leader. There was no formal writ from the MN Supreme Court. The Legislators still had legal avenues to continue the fight. Instead of remaining principled, the GOP just conceded that their Speaker election was held illegitimately! Their arguments are shifting day to day as to why they felt they had to concede to the bogus court ruling when they could've stayed consistent and held to their 67 member quorum argument.

Walz’ previous illegitimate writ of special election for 40B was defeated in court and a new one has not been issued by him as of this article’s writing. While some Republicans want to get their hopes up, carpetbagging radical liberal Curtis Johnson won the race by over 30% which makes the deep blue seat unwinnable without a miracle for the GOP. While likely Republican nominee Paul Wikstrom is a perfectly capable and qualified candidate, the GOP would be much better positioned by continuing the fight on quorum and the 54A race by rejecting Brad Tabke’s election certificate and opening up that swing district for a special election that has no fraud.

Begging Democrats to show up is a PATHETIC strategy! RINOs will pretend that there is nothing else they can do, when in reality they have already organized the State House and must continue conducting business. 

NEWSFLASH: Democrats are not showing up to the Capitol unless House control returns to split power with the GOP or if the GOP will cave on the election fraud issues of 54A (as seen in today's House Democrat press conference). While the GOP legislators can try to compel attendance from Democrats using Constitutional and statutory parameters, Democrats have shown no signs of stopping. They do not care how childish their antics look. Democrats clearly care more about power than their public image.

The GOP just accepted defeat, are ‘twiddling their thumbs’, and will lose their Majority!

The House will quickly return to split control with 67 members each and Steve Simon remaining as presiding officer (unless the Dems and GOP made a deal like the previous crooked deal between Demuth and Hortman that protected Tabke). Simon will allow Tabke to vote on procedural motions related to his case so that a vote is never allowed or taken on the removal of his election certificate. There may be no viable path to remove Tabke without the Speakership. Lisa Demuth just shot her caucus in the foot.

The lack of a formal writ from the Supreme Court showcases the shaky legal grounds their ruling rested on and indicates that the order is not final. While weak RINOs have begun the process of feigning ignorance on the quorum question despite being on the opposite side of the issue days ago, Action 4 Liberty has stayed consistent and unwavering.

On a side note - If GOP accepts 68 member quorum rule and simultaneously believe that their swearing in was legitimate, it could give legal leeway to Democrats on their illegitimate, make-believe, phony swearing in ceremony held in secret by Democrats. One would have to wonder why SOS Steve Simon would allow members to be sworn in if there was no quorum in his eyes. 

As Demuth caved to the quorum question, she may have ended the GOP Majority and her Speakership altogether. Democrats will take advantage of RINOs who throw in the towel at this time by continuing to no-show, Demuth could've instead continue leading the House and conducting business.

Demuth has given up her title as Speaker and House Republicans may need to look for new leadership considering the current one just flushed everything you had down the drain. The GOP must find someone who will actually lead them to victory.

Action 4 Liberty will remain uncompromising and fight corruption regardless of a politician's party. The Establishment is beginning a massive smear campaign because we are ahead of the game and see through the excuses of the Swamp. We will continue to keep Patriots up to date with the latest news and happenings of this Constitutional Crisis.

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  • Silvia Anderson
    commented 2025-02-02 14:15:38 -0600
    So there is no conservative representative that will stand up to Demuth and take over the Speakership from her, since she surely isn’t capable of standing up to democrats and clearly doesn’t know or care about the MN Constitution. Are all the republicans spineless???
  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2025-01-27 17:21:10 -0600