Almost no politician becomes more conservative the longer they hold office, they almost always cave to the Establishment and backstab the grassroots. The case of Walter Hudson is no different.
Hudson used to be a strong defender of Action 4 Liberty, as evidenced by being the Chief author of our Never Again Bill in the House during the previous session (which he never brought up for a floor vote). When Action 4 Liberty’s Facebook page was banned and removed from the platform in 2021 without real explanation, Walter Hudson stated on ‘The Omnibus Podcast’ that our removal was a “huge blow to the grassroots”. He further said “These are the people who represent you and me” and that A4L “speaks out against institutional forces of corporate and governmental power”.
While we are still the same hardcore, liberty-oriented, Constitutional conservatives we’ve always been, Walter has had a change of tune. Perhaps we are still calling out the corruption in “corporate and government power” and Walter is now caught up aligning himself with the RINOs we’ve always gone after!
Hudson has been on the attack against us ever since Action 4 Liberty and our supporters successfully led the removal of Walter’s boss, RINO Chair David Hann, which caused Walter to lose his $40K per year salary with the party (which could’ve been viewed as an illegal conflict of interest). The Establishment likely saw talent in Walter and wanted to own and control him. Since it hasn’t worked out in his favor since, he wastes away his life online by putting up bitter tirades on X. It appears being in elected office is getting to his head.
In one of Hudson’s latest vomit-inducing posts of slick mistruths, he attacked A4L for demanding that Republicans continue to FIGHT and legislate! Walter is playing cover for likely many more RINOs to come. As detailed in our previous reporting, the Supreme Court did not issue a formal writ and Republicans have every Constitutional authority to conduct business. Instead of standing on principle and refusing to cave to radical Democrats, Walter is pivoting and accepting the bogus Supreme Court ruling that a quorum is 68 members!
Instead of targeting his RINO co-workers who think it's time to quit like Peggy Bennett who waved the white flag by stating that Republicans will just “sit around and twiddle our thumbs”, Hudson is on the attack against A4L for demanding Republicans actually fight for conservatives! Why does Walter want to accept the Supreme Court ruling so quickly? Why is he playing cover for the GOP Establishment? Why would he not have the same position today that he held yesterday?
The House GOP must continue to fight and not accept Hudson and other RINOs throwing in the towel. Hudson mocked the idea of the Legislature continuing to convene without microphones, cameras, and staff. We would have to hope Hudson isn’t dumb enough to think that microphones and cameras have always been around. If the “nonpartisan” staff does not want Republicans to conduct business and will not film it, each Representative is likely carrying a camera on their smartphones! Reps may have to speak up like was done by legislators in Minnesota history that Hudson is clueless about. The GOP could also easily fill staff positions, such as note keeping for the House Journal, and continue to conduct business. While it may not be optimal, turbulent political times call for turbulent actions.
Walter goes with the wind and chooses the most politically advantageous lane to develop his public persona. From his stump endorsement at the 10A Endorsing Convention for career politician RINO Ron Kresha over grassroots challenger Diane Webb-Skillings to helping lead an effort of censorship against Tom Emmer’s only opponent at the CD6 Convention, professional golf caddy Chris Corey. Hudson’s political past includes being an avid Trump hater who wrote an article labeling him a “Fascist”.
Hudson even ushered a bill through the House (HF1370) last session that makes political Artificial Intelligence MEMES illegal if they could “influence an election”! Citizens could be fined up to $10K and spend up to five years in prison! Hudson cheer-leaded the bill to its completion, with a temporary halt in support after Democrats added more bills and he removed himself as an author, but once it was restored to its original tyrannical state, Walter was back on board! During debate on the bill on 3/30/23, Hudson praised radical Democrat Zach Stephenson for the bill’s “proactive” nature and that it showed the “type of thinking that we have to be able to do and willing to do”. Hudson further said that the bill’s implementation may be “a little sloppy” but says “That’s okay, we’ll figure it out.” When you hear about someone locked up for memes, you can thank Walter Hudson.
While many in the liberty movement have identified who Walter really is, some still see promise in him. While Walter is a much more reliable vote for conservative policies, amendments, rule fights, or otherwise than some others, the Legislature sets a low bar considering the losers that get into office. If giving passionate speeches filled with red meat saved Minnesota, Walter would have it covered. If it comes to holding elected Republicans accountable to the grassroots, he has a problem.
Check out the truth bomb A4L President Erik Mortensen dropped on X:
In response, Walter is somehow claiming that Mort is like an elitist Democrat insulting delivery drivers! In Walter’s mind, if you simply mention that he was a delivery driver before being a politician, it is an attack! As usual, Walter deflects rather than addressing uncomfortable, substantive issues. Our tactic is telling the truth while his is deception, much like the Democrats. This is another example of a “White-collar” who likely needs to return back to “Blue-collar” life like the rest of us.
Action 4 Liberty will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with grassroots Patriots by exposing corruption and fighting back against the Swamp. We are a battle-tested organization that sees Walter’s submission to the liberal Supreme Court’s ruling for exactly what it is. The smoke screen that Walter is casting may fool some but A4L will continue to lead with truth, stand on principle, and remain where we’ve always been.
NOTE - Majority Leader Harry Niska, who has also seemingly conceded the false quorum ruling, has posted a picture indicating that the GOP will now pursue legal penalties against no-show Dems. While it is great to hold the childish Democrats accountable, the GOP must continue to conduct business as laid out in our previous reporting. See Niska's post below:
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