DFL House Passes Jacob Frey Bailout

Democrats in the Minnesota House just voted on a bill (HF 132) that bails out Minneapolis for the damage due to the failed leadership of Mayor Jacob Frey. The bill creates a "Special Master Panel" who will decide how to distribute the undetermined millions of dollars to individuals inside the "eligible zone". The eligible zone is defined as:

in Minneapolis:

(i) Lake Street between Hennepin Avenue and West River Parkway, and any area within
two city blocks of that portion of Lake Street in any direction; and

(ii) West Broadway Avenue, and any area within two city blocks of West Broadway
Avenue in any direction;

(2) in Saint Paul, University Avenue between Rice Street and Highway 280, and any
area within two city blocks of that portion of University Avenue in any direction; and

(3) any additional locations or zones designated by the governor as experiencing
significant, widespread damage or destruction of private property due to the civil unrest
described in section 1.

The vote was 74-53 along partisan lines. 



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  • Tom Prior
    commented 2020-07-01 08:29:45 -0500
    Should have let Frey Fry
  • Jennifer Kinn
    commented 2020-06-29 10:03:59 -0500
    Oh great! Here we go a, “Special Master Panel” who will decide how to distribute the undetermined millions of dollars to individuals inside the “eligible zone”. More money laundering right into their pockets!
  • Rolly Nelson
    commented 2020-06-22 13:59:29 -0500
    No let the mayor who did nothing pay for it
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2020-06-19 17:27:25 -0500