Democrats to Hand Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Immigrants in Minnesota

Democrats are now pushing for driver's licenses for law-breaking, illegal immigrants in the state. HF 4 gives non-citizens access to a Class D driver’s license in the State of Minnesota. These licenses will look identical to that of a citizen, which also grants privileges such as welfare benefits and access to voter registration.

In the midst of the 2020 election, leftists have berated conservatives for their concerns about election integrity. They even go as far as claiming that 2020 was the “most secure” election in history. This is despite the fact that several Democrat Secretaries of State changed election laws to allow for fewer restrictions in terms of mail-in and absentee ballots.

We reported that a non-citizen stated in testimony that she and other non-citizens are already voting.

Backing this extreme legislation is the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. In a letter of support sent to the bill's author, the Chamber writes, "We support H.F. 4 for workforce and public safety reasons."

With a DFL-controlled government, there's a good chance this bill will pass. 

Pew Research estimates that there are 95,000 non-citizen residents living in Minnesota as of 2016. If this becomes a backdoor process for new (illegal) voters, it could have dire consequences. For context, DFL State Auditor Julie Blaha only won her re-election bid in 2022 by 8,435 votes. If a small fraction of these non-citizens uses their license to sign up to vote, it’s game over for conservatives in Minnesota.

So much for “protecting democracy!"

The Minnesota House will debate the legislation on Monday night, with a vote in the Minnesota Senate expected later in the week. Call your legislators now and demand that they vote against this extreme legislation


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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-01-30 14:19:34 -0600