Duluth Voters Revolt Against Tim Walz backed, Leftist Mayor Candidate

On Tuesday night, voters in Duluth sent a strong message to left-wing Mayor Emily Larson. Seeking re-election to a third term, she only advanced to the general election with 35% of the vote. Her more moderate opponent advanced to the general with an incredible 63% of the vote.

Thanks to Duluth’s jungle primary election system, the top two candidates from last night’s primary (incumbent Emily Larson and challenger Roger Reinert) will face off in the November 7th general election. However, Larson getting 35% as an incumbent is embarrassing.

The strong showing for Roger Reinert, a former moderate Democrat State Senator who calls himself  “fiscally conservative,” shows that the far-left leadership in Duluth has let citizens down.

Larson has served as Mayor of Duluth since January of 2016. Under her leadership, the city has:

  • Declared a “Climate Emergency” in 2021. She claims emissions are down 32%.
  • A 25% property tax increase.
  • A $23 million budget increase.
  • An increase of 19 city employees.


Tack these problems onto the already growing issues of low housing inventory and out-of-control crime, it is not hard to see why voters wanted change.

Larson’s poor showing came even after she was endorsed by Democrat Governor Tim Walz and the Minnesota Democrat Party. Embarrassing!

She has between now and November to try and repair her relationship with Duluth voters, though she is already far behind her more conservative opponent. 

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  • Robert Heller
    commented 2023-08-10 19:12:17 -0500
    Those of us in MN college towns need to remember (and remind others) that according to science (aka Anthony Fauci!), those younger people among us have a prefrontal cortex that is not fully or completely developed until around age 25. Which basically means even at a traditional college graduation age that, although they consider themselves to be cutting edge scholars (which begs the question of why they are even at an institution of higher learning if they are already so smart?), their brains haven’t even reached full maturity yet. You know, science, the religion that all Lefties worship at the altar of? I guess this scientific fact might qualify as what Al Gore might call “an inconvenient truth…” And the beat goes on.
  • Dorothy Scanlan
    followed this page 2023-08-10 14:10:39 -0500
  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-08-10 11:08:11 -0500
    Republicans have even more work to do if their candidate got only 2% of the vote.

    How much of the primary winner’s vote was non-Democrats wanting to make sure the incumbent did not win? They could have done that by voting Republican – they still got stuck with her on the general election ballot.
  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    commented 2023-08-09 16:03:06 -0500
    They need to pass legislation to keep UMD students who cannot prove residence prior to attending the university from voting in local races. EVERY college town NEEDS to do this!!!
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-08-09 15:18:32 -0500