Establishment Spent $359,000 in Attempt to DEFEAT Conservative Candidates, Reports Show

The Swamp spent big money trying to defeat grassroots, conservative legislative candidates in the August primary. According to campaign finance reports that were published this morning, three Establishment groups combined spent $359,000 trying to stop grassroots, conservative candidates from winning their Repubican primaries.

Leading the pack against conservatives was the Rep Kurt Daudt aligned MN Jobs Coalition, which received its funding from the Republican State Leadership Committee. We wrote about lobbyist legislator Daudt's relationship with the RSLC back in August. The MN Jobs Coalition spent a total of $158,614 in four separate races, and lost them all.

MN Jobs Coalition spent:

- $65,181 in an attempt to beat A+ Rated Rep Erik Mortensen (Mort defeated Bob Loonan)

- $64,903 in an attempt to beat Medical Freedom Champion Mark Bishofsky (Bishofsky won by a 20 point margin)

- $17,615 in an attempt to beat Pam Altendorf (Pam defeated Jesse Johnson)

- $10,915 in an attempt to beat Republican endorsed Mike Weiner (Mike defeated Sheldon Monson)

The MN Jobs Coalition raked in $1,200,000 according to their report, all from the Washington D.C. based group, RSLC. It's unknown if the RSLC was aware that money sent to the MN Jobs Coalition was being used against conservative candidates in Minnesota.


The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce's campaign arm, the Pro-Jobs Majority, spent $126,590 trying to protect Establishment candidates against their conservative opponents. On their report, they also spent nearly $10,000 to beat Medical Freedom Champion Mark Bishofsky of Stillwater. 

In two races, the Chamber tried ousting the more conservative, Republican endorsed candidates: $17,930 to prop up Nurse Natalie Barnes's opponent and $19,457 to prop up Bret Bussman's opponent. They were successful in those races.

But the Chamber wasn't successful in its attempt to beat Health Freedom Advocate, Dr. Bill Lieske. They spent $10,972 to prop up his opponent. Dr. Lieske won by a +20 margin on election night. They also failed in beating Pam Altendorf despite spending $10,884 on her opponent as well. 


Another Establishment group, Minnesota's Future, contributed $73,786 to the effort of defeating grassroots, conservative candidates. They spent thousands of dollars in texting programs in an attempt to beat conservative Tom Dippel in Senate District 41. But Dippel easily defeated his Establishment-backed opponent, Tony Jurgens. Minnesota's Future also tried beating Dr. Lieske and failed.

The most notable part of their report was that they spent a whopping $46,822 to defeat Lisa Hanson, who made headlines in December of 2020 when she defied Governor Walz' orders to shut down her bistro. Hanson eventually was sentenced to 90 days in jail and is seen as a heroic, conservative warrior who stood up to the radical leftist Governor Walz. Minnesota's Future spent money to help F-Rated Senator, Gene Dornink win.



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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2022-09-28 20:34:24 -0500