The news that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lost his emergency powers might be the biggest con of the year. It turns out, all the directives, which include the business restrictions and the mask mandate, remain intact. Even worse, Cuomo can still unilaterally extend those.
After nearly a whole year of exercising unilateral law making, Cuomo's powers were set to expire in April. But the bill now extends the unilateral orders mentioned above, indefinitely. Which is precisely why all Republicans in the legislature voted against the bill. And, although Cuomo is unable to issue new executive orders without legislative approval, he plans to sign the bill since it leaves him in relatively the same position.
Politicians play these kind of games often. Their objective is to do very little so they don't upset the power structure that puts them in office. So not actually Ending Cuomo's Emergency Powers while passing a bill that presents itself as an End Powers Bill, works to their long as there isn't alternative media or groups like Action 4 Liberty exposing the con to their voters.
In Minnesota, we see the same play being made. A group of Republican and Democrat legislators have been drafting a Fake End Walz' Powers bill for months now. There's even a mask mandate bill that will likely be attached to it as an amendment, if and, when it makes it to the House floor.
What's being drafted in the committee right now lacks the key ingredients of a Real End Powers Bill like removing the Governor's ability to unilaterally declare an emergency, disallowing his orders to be treated as law, and a citizens bill of rights for emergencies. The Fake End Walz' Powers Bill is really just a con to give the public the perception that the political class is addressing the issue, when secretly they are doing nothing. It's also providing political cover for politicians like Julie Sandstede and Dave Lislegard who betrayed their voters by voting against Rep Erik Mortensen's End Walz' Emergency Powers Resolution.
If the Fake End Walz' Powers Bill passes the Democrat House and Republican Senate, then it would go to the Governor's desk. You'll know firsthand if its fake, because no governor would sign a real bill. And that's exactly what's happening in New York right now with Andrew Cuomo signing Bill A05967.
Learn what Action 4 Liberty is doing to End Walz' Emergency Powers in Minnesota by increasing pressure on vulnerable rural Democrats who are voting the wrong way.
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