Father of Maddi’s Children Speaks

Maddi Kingsbury’s disappearance on March 31st has shaken southern Minnesota to its core. Her disappearance remains a complete mystery, so most observers look to Adam Fravel, the last person to see her, for answers. They have two children together, who have been taken out of his custody.

Read our breakdown of the story so far.

After a 12-day silence, his lawyer released this statement to the media:

“Over the course of the last 12 days my family and I have been subject to a myriad of accusations regarding the disappearance of the mother of my children, Maddi Kingsbury. During these last 12 days I have cooperated with law enforcement at every turn, including sitting down for multiple interviews with Winona County law enforcement. I did not have anything to do with Maddi’s disappearance. I want the mother of my 5-year-old and 2-year-old to be found and brought home safely. I want that more than anything. Law enforcement advised me on April 2nd that they would not recommend that I attend the press conferences or that I assist in the searches due to safety concerns. However, my non-attendance and silence has been inferred by many as a sign of apathy, or worse. That could not be further from the truth. I want Maddi home and for her to be able to be with our two children. God Bless the Kingsbury family and please bring her home safely.”

Just hours later, the Kingsbury family released their own statement:

“Nothing in life prepares you for this. The disappearance of our daughter and sister has been a waking nightmare with no respite. In the days and nights since Madeline disappeared, the immediate family and extended family have, collectively and individually, been experiencing emotions and trials that someone who has never been suddenly thrust into this horrific situation could ever imagine.

Eating is a mechanical act we force ourselves to do in order to keep our strength up so we can continue to advocate and search for Madeline. Sleep, if it comes, is fitful and fleeting. I have to think that the only thing that could come close to what we experience is the stress of combat, day after awful day. Initially we were so overwrought that we couldn't bear to look at each other but couldn't bear to look away. There were no words we could say to comfort each other and we felt alone and frantic. In the days since the family has circled the wagons and gathered from near and across the world. We will find Madeline. This is our mission and we will not falter.

We're private people finding ourselves thrust into the national limelight at the most traumatic time in our lives. We don't seek to draw attention to ourselves but, of course, want everyone everywhere to know about Madeline so we can reunite her with her children.

Members of our family and close friends coordinate closely with law enforcement and send out search teams day after day, every day.

From time to time and as we see the need we use social media to encourage and inform the large groups of volunteers helping us search for Madeline. We're overwhelmed by the dedication and tangible expressions of love demonstrated by the huge circle of warriors she unknowingly gathered around her her sorority sisters, coworkers at Mayo Clinic and other places, fellow students from her days at Winona State, other moms and her many, many friends, acquaintances and people whose lives she's touched.

We will continue to search for Madeline. We will not give up and our family will come out the other side of this forever changed but forever grateful for the tireless dedication of so many helpers - friends and relatives, people in law enforcement, other first responders, social workers, case workers, legal professionals, child advocates and many, many more.”

The Action 4 Liberty team sat down for a long-form interview with Maddi’s Aunt and Uncle. Watch Episode #34 of Truth Hurts - Searching for Maddi Kingsbury.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-12 15:52:24 -0500