In non-public testimony to Congress this week, disgraced former COVID task force chief, Anthony Fauci, admitted that the 6 ft social distancing guidance was not backed by science. According to the WSJ, Fauci stated that the social distancing rule “‘sorta just appeared'” without a solid scientific basis.”
The guidance by Fauci during the early stages of the pandemic led to business shutdowns by tyrannical governors like Minnesota’s Tim Walz. Minnesota state government fully embraced the fake science and state parks had signs informing patrons to keep their “moose length” distance.
Political event planners took things to the extreme by painting white circles on the ground to keep people distanced in open air environments. Here’s an infamous picture from a not well attended Biden campaign event in 2020:
Implementers of crazy COVID rules aren’t deterred by the lack of science though. We’ve received tips that mask mandates are making a comeback in medical facilities in Minnesota. But the efficacy of cloth masks have been debunked, another lie by Anthony Fauci.
Here’s the lead epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, Dr Michael Osterholm, explaining to Joe Rogan how cloth masks are useless in stopping the spread of COVID.
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