It appears one of our stories from yesterday struck a nerve.
Transgender State Representative Leigh Finke posted a screenshot of our story criticizing his disdain for the Bible, calling it “quite funny.” Naturally, our team took another opportunity to invite him to discuss his position on The Truth Hurts Show.
In response, the Democrat lawmaker accused our team of spreading “hateful degenerate smears and lies.”
The action for liberty folks have posted the most vile content about me and my community of any place in Minnesota. Truly hateful degenerate smears and lies.
— Leigh Finke (@leighfinke) July 14, 2023
I will pass.
Naturally, supporters of far-left gender ideology came in to defend Finke and issue threats of violence against me.
Is there a more punchable face than this @Beck4Liberty twatwaffle?
— InfrasonicDan (@InfrasonicDan) July 14, 2023
None of us are fazed. Remember, if the opposition resorts to angry tweets – you’re winning the argument.
To Leigh Finke, the offer to come on our show still stands.
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