Florida Pride Fest Cancelled After Participation Age Raised to 21

The Pride of Treasure Coast, a gay pride organization in Florida, has announced that their annual “Pride Fest” will be cancelled this year due to a new law that prohibits the participation of children in drag shows.

This new law does a few things. Most notably, it prohibits individuals under 21 from being present at drag events.

Before the bill was even signed on April 20th, The Pride of Treasure Coast announced that they would be canceling their pride event. This was certainly not a coincidence, as they cite the Florida bill as the reason for their cancellation. 

“After multiple meetings with city officials, it is with a heavy heart that Pride Alliance of the Treasure Coast has to announce that this weekend’s Pridefest will now be a 21 and older event. The city has decided that with the likelihood that the Governor will sign the latest bill into effect this evening, that we will need to be on the side of caution and has required us to make this necessary change.  We are obviously upset and dishearten that it has come to this. We also regret to announce that we will have to cancel our plans to bring back our beloved parade.”

The event was previously set to take place on April 22nd. According to the group’s Facebook page, the group has since disbanded. 

It would be funny if it weren’t so shocking. By canceling their pride event, they all but admit that their sole intention for these events is to attract young people. Yet, the Left will continue to claim it is right-wing fear-mongering.

Do not let your guard down. Many of these LGBT organizations and politicians are coming for your kids.

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-05-01 13:15:38 -0500