Goepferd Reveals 1/3rd of Child Patients Given Puberty Blockers/Sterilization

The popular X (formerly Twitter) account @EndWokeness posted a clip on Friday revealing a shocking statistic from Children’s Minnesota – the leading children’s hospital in the state. The clip features transgender doctor Angela Goepferd, who has been praised by the left for her disgusting rhetoric regarding gender-confused children. She serves as the Chief Education Officer for the hospital.

In the video, Goepferd reveals that roughly 1/3rd of her patients at Children’s Minnesota receive some form of sterilization/puberty-blocking medication. She claims the remainder of treatment includes encouraging gender dysphoria through clothing and pronoun usage.

Goepferd accidentally reveals in this clip that a huge among of children are being given life-altering medications and procedures. The total number of patients has likely increased since Minnesota has become a “sanctuary state” for genital mutilation surgeries.

Action 4 Liberty has reported on Goepferd many times in the past. Most recently, she received backlash for sponsoring a “gender resource fair” at an elementary school in Minneapolis.

This madness will likely continue for years to come unless voters and politicians wake up to how absurd the gender movement has become. This year, Minnesota Democrats are likely to push a constitutional amendment that makes transgender surgeries a right in the Minnesota Constitution.

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  • Paul Bade
    commented 2024-04-01 22:35:57 -0500
    Transgenderism is quack psychology, the 21st Century’s equivalent of snake oil. The tragedy is that unlike most snake oil formulations that cease toxic effects if discontinued, the harm of “gender transition treatment” is permanent.

    It won’ be long before personal injury lawyers are going to find enormous profits in suing the transgender quacks. Unfortunately, the medical firms that currently rake in the cash for this terrible fad are simply going to pass on the costs to those who have legitimate medical needs.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2024-03-23 21:43:24 -0500