Gov't LIED About Masks, According to Letter Written by Top Epidemiologists

The government LIED to us about the effectiveness of masks and knew the science behind them was flawed because top epidemiologists told them so. Newly published documents show that Dr. Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota and several other top epidemiologists sent a letter to the CDC in November of 2021 urging the agency to take down its guidance on cloth masks based on "flawed" studies. Osterholm was appointed on November 9th, 2020 to Joe Biden's COVID-19 Advisory Board.

In the letter, the scientists argue that there is "insufficient and controversial evidence" that masks "lead to reduced disease severity and induced protective immunity." Osterholm and others claim that the CDC misinterpreted data from human and animal experiments on mask wearing.

Here's the letter:

The scientists warned the CDC that keeping their guidance on the "Masks and Face Coverings for the Public" website would be dangerous. "We are concerned that promotion of these pieces and their placement on well-trusted websites," wrote Osterholm and crew, "not only damage the credibility of science and endanger public trust by misrepresenting the evidence, but also provide false expectations in terms of respiratory protection to the public."

So why did the federal government and politicians like Biden and Governor Tim Walz continue with the lie of masking? The evidence behind their policies was questioned by the highest ranks in the epidemiology field after all.

Politics is about control. Masks weren't about stopping or slowing the spread of COVID - they were about getting the population to do what they say. 

Keep this in mind as we start seeing more stories about a return to masking and tyrannical COVID policies.

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  • Paul Bade
    commented 2023-08-26 16:56:44 -0500
    This letter appears to specifically address the claim that wearing a mask would reduce the number of viruses one would ingest and thereby reduce the severity of the infection. The claim seems like nonsense to anyone who knows how viruses multiply exponentially, but mask proponents used it as a fallback position at a time when masks as used by the general public appeared ineffective at preventing the spread of the virus when compared to similar populations not under mask mandates.
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-08-24 18:14:27 -0500