Governor Walz Proposes Raising Taxes, Increasing Gov't for 'Recovery'

Governor Walz released his proposed two year budget for Minnesota and it appears he is going to do his part in growing our dependence on Big Government while also increasing taxes on some Minnesotans to redistribute to others. His proposal would raise taxes by nearly $2 Billion on businesses in Minnesota and expand government spending to its highest level of over $52 Billion, or a 9% increase. Meanwhile, businesses in Minnesota are under assault by his Administration and some are even fleeing the state.

The most egregious part of Walz' tax plan is that he would create a fifth tax bracket in Minnesota (note, there were only three a decade ago before Governor Dayton). This tax bracket would rob business owners who would use the money for hiring more workers or making other investments in the private sector. No shocker, the tax is sold as people paying their "fair share". Although that income bracket already pays the largest portion of Minnesota income tax.

Instead of delivering massive tax reductions and reducing the size and scope of government during this depressed economy, Walz is trying to grow the state government. It's a true slap in the face to the thousands of Minnesota small businesses who saw their income drop significantly as a direct result of Walz' actions. On top of that, several business in the state are currently being harassed by Walz' Dept of Health, which will also see a sharp budget increase. 

All in all, the media hyped up the false story that our state was facing a budget deficit. So Governor Walz decided to "solve" the budget shortfall by sticking his hands in our pockets and make us pay more. 

Republican Senators were quick to message against the Governor's call for more taxes, but stand in a comprised position after conceding two years ago to a tax increase when extending the provider tax on health care visits. 

Action 4 Liberty opposes ALL tax increases.

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-01-26 15:42:19 -0600