Group Bringing Children to Minnesota for Trans Surgeries; Fundraising

Since becoming a refuge for parents who wish to mutilate their child’s genitals (aka, "affirming their gender"), there have been several stories by mainstream outlets of mentally ill teenagers traveling to Minnesota to have their lives ruined. And it seems that there are forces at work to profit and exploit these teenagers.

One example of this is a brand new group called the MN Transplant Project (MTP), which registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State as a nonprofit organization on April 20th, 2023 – just seven days before the “Trans Refuge Bill” was signed into law by Governor Walz.

Under this law – authored by transgender Rep Leigh Finke – no out-of-state warrants or court orders will be recognized if a child of a parent’s child is brought to Minnesota for the purposes of “gender-affirming” care. In other words, a deranged parent can have their child’s genitalia mutilated by doctors and no other parents or guardians get to have a say.

The MTP is now fundraising off of the opportunity to bring children to Minnesota for this purpose. Even encouraging children to download an encrypted messaging app called Signal and install a VPN to hide web-traffic and location data.

This group is fundraising both through its website and through GoFundMe, which has a goal of raising $5,000. This group also has clear ties to Representative Leigh Finke. As of writing, it is unclear if she is getting any financial kickbacks for his legislation.

Do not be surprised if more groups pop up for the purpose of relocating children to the state of Minnesota. Thanks to Minnesota Democrats, the rate of genital-mutilation surgeries in the state will skyrocket. 


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  • Kathleen Carlson
    followed this page 2023-05-17 21:14:22 -0500
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-05-16 15:42:42 -0500