Group Hosting Alternative to ‘Drag Story Hour’ in Minnesota Libraries

This Saturday, August 5th, hundreds of libraries across the country will be hosting “See You at the Library” (SYATL) events, which is promoted by Christian actor Kirk Cameron. In Minnesota, a parental rights group has picked up the torch and prepared ten of these events across the state.

SYATL is proposed as an alternative to the wacky “drag queen story hours” that have popped up across the country. These events will instead promote kid-friendly reading material with lessons based on Christian faith. The Minnesota events are largely organized by Moms for Liberty, a group that the left-wing StarTribune recently called “extremists.”

The Action 4 Liberty team had the opportunity to talk with the chapter chair of Moms for Liberty in Dakota County, Britni Granquist. She told us that these SYATL events let children be “exposed to what other options are out there. Because we are finding out that our library has done a decent job at not carrying conservative books.”


In 2023, it would be nice to have children just read normal books generally. Not the weird LGBTQ-themed reading material that some insist be pushed on kids. Look no further than a drag story hour in Chaska just last month. There, the drag queen read children a drag-themed book.

To find a SYATL event near you, visit Kirk Cameron’s Brave Books website. Our team will be attending the event at Pleasant Hill Public Library in Hastings, which begins at 3:00 on August 5th. Maybe we will see you there!

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  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-08-02 10:29:42 -0500