The hit film, Sound of Freedom, has shattered expectations in theaters. The film follows the true story of Tim Ballard (played by Jim Caviezel) and his efforts to hold child traffickers accountable. The left-wing corporate media is outraged by the film’s success and has done everything they can to discredit both the cast and the storyline.
To get specific, the film has grossed an outstanding $53 million from a $14.5 million budget. On opening day, it actually beat the new Indiana Jones movie in box office ticket sales.
Not only is the story itself engaging, but the message is even more profound. Child trafficking is a real and visible issue, which is why it touches the hearts of parents and families who watch the film. The left, however, is trying to connect the movie with Q-Anon (a theory that is not mentioned at all in the film). Here is what Rolling Stone said of the movie:
“The misconceptions about child trafficking promoted by Sound of Freedom are in many ways compounded by the fact that the film has received widespread acclaim from the far right, particularly proponents of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which posits that a shadowy ring of elites is sexually abusing young children.”
As you would guess, left-wing outrage surrounding the film is only propelling it higher in box office totals.
Watch our team’s review of the movie on Rumble and be sure to see it in theaters while you can. The higher the box office totals go, the more embarrassed Hollywood elites will get.
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