House GOP Sues Tyrant Steve Simon After Losing All Leverage

While the GOP sits with a 67-66 Majority in the State House as their Democrat counterparts refuse to show up to the Capitol, GOP leaders caved to the liberal Supreme Court by conforming to a ruling that had no formal writ (leaving room for refusal to comply). While Action 4 Liberty advocated for the strategy initially pushed by the House Republicans, we will not leave Patriots in the dark as they cave to more Democrat tricks than the Court even asked out of them.

Self-titled Speaker designate Lisa Demuth (HD13A) handed over the gavel and control of the House to Tyrant SOS Steve Simon which caused her to invalidate her own election as Speaker! Republicans have allowed Simon to gavel them in and claim there is no quorum while leadership twiddles their thumbs as their motions are not recognized. RINOs have treated the legislative session as a media circus instead of a Majority empowered by the People to conduct business and deliver results. Only Rep. Drew Roach (HD58B) vocally fought against Tyrant Steve Simon on the floor since Simon's second takeover of the House.

The GOP leadership has further submitted to liberal demands by now claiming that a quorum is 68 members despite Article 4 Section 13 of the MN Constitution defining it as a majority of the House (which would be 67 out of 133). The GOP knows this, that’s why they had an election for Speaker on the first day. GOP Majority Leader Harry Niska (HD31A) has conceded this point and more as he now argues that 68 members are needed to pass legislation! See below:


The MN Legislative website also falsely claims that 68 votes are needed for legislation to pass. This is a fake talking point that Democrats have glommed onto that has no basis in reality. A quick example of the House passing a bill with only 67 votes can be found (which can likely be found hundreds to thousands of times in MN House history) is the following vote from 1973, see below:

With Republicans caving on the critical question of quorum and the number of votes it takes to pass legislation, they have set up an impossible scenario for them to pass ANY conservative legislation! What makes them think that any of the no-show Democrats, who act in unison, would ever give the GOP a victory? This means that the only bills we will likely see passed will be uniparty, big government BS. 

After almost all leverage is lost, the House GOP leadership has now filed a lawsuit (case number: A25-0157) against Tyrant Steve Simon that is set to appear in front of the tyrannical Supreme Court that just screwed them over! In the suit, Demuth and Niska state that Simon has unilaterally halted their ability to compel attendance. This is true considering Niska has presented two separate motions across four days that would either strip the no-show Democrats’ pay or fine them equal to that amount. This would not necessarily “compel” attendance, as Democrats can seemingly wait another five or so weeks until the House is split 67-67 again. The following order has been issued related to the lawsuit against Steve Simon:

While this lawsuit may help the House GOP in removing the salary of no-show Democrats, this seemingly will not “compel” their attendance and could result with the same stalemate. The liberal Supreme Court is not seeking to do the GOP any favors.

House Republicans have now painted themselves into a corner and have limited time to correct course. If not fixed, the Democrats will get their way and seat Brad Tabke despite the missing ballots outnumber the amount of ballots he won the race by. GOP Reps are hypocritical with their current stance. They told Minnesotans that they had a quorum and could elect a Speaker. Then they flip-flopped want the focus to be on no-show Dems. WHY?!?! Let them no-show! The GOP has a Majority and a quorum!

Republicans must flip-flop again to return to the truth! A quorum is 67 member until the 40B race is filled. The GOP must return to their original posture by removing Simon as Chair and replacing him with Paul Anderson. After doing so, a Speaker must be elected (preferably one who has not publicly caved on the quorum question). Following this, the GOP must begin to finally conduct business and deliver.

A4L has received word from individuals inside the Capitol that the GOP has begun whipping votes for a power sharing agreement with Democrats that will seat Brad Tabke, completely conceding their Majority. If true, many RINOs will have to explain to the constituents who elected them why they let Democrats run them over. Alleged negotiations include control over several committees and a Lisa Demuth Speakership. 

Is fake power and self-aggrandizement so appealing to empty suit Lisa “Kamala” Demuth that she would backstab the conservative base of MN to get it? Republicans can still retake control of the House, as is their Right to do, in the face of the tyrannical Supreme Court. Instead, Demuth has let be it publicly known that she has groveled back to Melissa Hortman to negotiate.

A4L will always bring Patriots the truth and will never cave from our principles. We represent the hardcore, anti-establishment, pro-liberty grassroots that has been trampled by our crooked government for years. Our message will stay consistent and unrelenting. We are going to fight like our freedom is on the line, because it is.


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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2025-02-01 11:46:39 -0600